sábado, 6 de novembro de 2010

Discurso de boas vindas dos alunos do Clube Europeu

WELCOME dear friends from Sweden.

We are the members of the European Club from our school and we are here to welcome you on behalf of all the students, teachers and other staff from our school.
Our club was founded in 1991 and we started exchange projects with other schools in Europe in 1998.
Since then we’ve made very good friends in some countries in Europe and you are the most special for us.

The historical roots of the EU lie in the Second World War. The idea was born because Europeans were determined to prevent such killing and destruction ever happening again. In the early years, the cooperation was between six countries and mainly about trade and the economy. Now the EU embraces 27 countries and 493 million people, and it deals with a wide range of issues of direct importance for our everyday life.
Europe is a continent with many different traditions and languages, but also with shared values such as democracy, freedom and social justice. The EU defends these values. It fosters cooperation among the peoples of Europe, promoting unity while preserving diversity and ensuring that decisions are taken as close as possible to the citizens.
In the increasingly interdependent world of the 21st century, it is more necessary than ever for every European citizen to work together with people from other countries in a spirit of curiosity, openness and solidarity.
And here you are working with us and promoting unity, friendship and Peace.
We believe in Europe.
Thank you for coming!
Enjoy Portugal!

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